
Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet

(1 customer review)

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“A global awakening to the treacherous lies that have kept mankind enslaved and ignorant for millennia is now well underway. The quislings engaged in the coverup of corruption, scandal and subversion are shovelings and against the tide. Thanks, in no small measure, to modern day prophet Brad Olsen, their time and that of our odious overlords are at an end. Congratulations dear reader. By cracking open Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet, you have joined in this glorious restoration.” –Richard Syrett, Broadcaster, Guest-Host Coast to Coast AM



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Reviews of Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet

“A worldwide explorer makes a journey down the rabbit hole connecting the dots and leading us to the undeniable and inspiring conclusion, it’s all in our hands. The Future of Humanity is at stake and we hold the keys. Beyond Esoteric educates and enlightens.” –Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, author of REBEL GENE: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity

"This kind of brilliant work is what is needed more than anything in the World right now, to open up our eyes to what is really going on. Only deep research and material like this can give us greater awareness, help us to navigate these times with greater discernment and wisdom and help us to take our power back. If we don't understand what we are up against, then we won't be making choices based in clarity or true knowledge and this is what we as humans need in this critical time, where waking up can no longer be delayed. I highly recommend people read this. It is one of the greatest guide books out there that you will get!" –Laura Eisenhower, Author, Astrologer and International Speaker

“’Whoever controls the narrative controls the world.’ This is the powerful idea driving Brad Olsen’s masterful exposé of the deceptive narratives of Earth’s hidden controllers. He systematically lays out the complicity of the mass media in hiding the truth about ruthless population control mechanisms; the historic suppression of free energy; efforts to create an Orwellian New World Order; the existence of extraterrestrial life; and much more. In Beyond Esoteric, Brad provides wise counsel on how to navigate a path through the hidden controllers’ thicket of lies to reach a higher understanding and emancipation.” –Michael Salla, Ph.D. Author of Rise of the Red Dragon

* Brad Olsen
* 480 Pages
* print ISBN#: 978-1888729740
* Weight: 16 oz
* Dimensions: 9 in x 6 in x 1 in


Every chapter in the first two books of the "Esoteric Series" is an audiobook chapter on the CCC Publishing YouTube channel. Follow along with the first video from Modern Esoteric:



Additional information

Weight 1.4 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 in

1 review for Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet

  1. Mike Huhman (verified owner)

    Brad Olsen has always been the inquisitive type looking far beyond the obvious and exploring the less obvious aspects of the world. Having started out as an author for travel guides in the 1990s, Olsen started his own Consortium of Collective Consciousness (CCC) publishing house in 1995 and began his journey of esoteric subject matter as the travel industry was undergoing a precipitous decline as the internet usurped traditional publication practices. This initial passion evolved into a hybrid series with Olsen combining his travel guide sensibilities for those interested in sacred and spiritual destinations.

    Having honed his skills as a researcher, writer and public speaker (not to mention event producer for the famous How Weird Street Faire in San Francisco), Olsen seems to have found his true calling with all things mysterious, occulted and abstruse with his Esoteric book series that began with Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms and then followed by Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses. BEYOND ESOTERIC: ESCAPING PRISON PLANET is the third installment of this outstanding series and finds Olsen hitting his stride just as the planetary hunger for occulted knowledge surges.

    This jaw dropping wealth of outlying knowledge is simply a must for not only the initiate swallowing the red pill for the first time but also for the connoisseurs who have swallowed the whole bottle! Olsen’s strength is in compiling an encyclopedic scope of knowledge and condensing it down to the cliff note main points that will stimulate both neophyte and the esoteric junkie alike in order to explore any given subject further. With so many categories of erudition stuffed into these 447 pages of masterful analysis, Olsen has done an excellent job at keeping topics concise and to the point, made all the more exciting with ample doses of photos and appropriate philosophical quotes that relate to the subject matter.

    The best thing about the Esoteric series is that Olsen never repeats the material. BEYOND ESOTERIC is broadly broken down into three overacting themes which includes Neo-Fascism, the Truth Embargo and the Übermind. The Neo-Fascism chapters dig into the ugly truths of how the powerful elite have manipulated the human race with occulted knowledge through religion, economics, politics and technology. The Truth Embargo topics range from our suppressed galactic history and extraterrestrial intelligence to the modern threats of transhumanism. Ending BEYOND ESOTERIC with a sense of optimism, the final third Übermind focuses on latent human potentials as well as the challenges that we face in achieving them and overcoming the obstacles placed in our way.

    This book is a true masterpiece compendium of all things esoteric and almost resembles what i would call a primer for the more in depth curriculum of the mystery schools that take years to master. No matter how much you think you already know, you are guaranteed to learn something new in BEYOND ESOTERIC which has escaped your attention given the breadth and depth of the material. This exciting page turner not only bridges the past with the contemporary struggles we face as a species but also provides a glimpse of the future if only we would expand our consciousness enough to see it through. I have never really found another book comparable to the amount of knowledge contained within that is so laconically laid out in a logical easy to follow format which allows you to connect dots where you never knew they existed.

    I honestly can’t recommend this book enough especially for anyone who is a neophyte to the world of the esoteric as it allows you to get a grasp of the overarching breadth of subject matter that has been withheld from humanity on a collective level. As a new age is upon us it is imperative that the common man and woman learn of the true nature of reality in order to shift the power differential out of the hands of the few who have been hoarding this knowledge for millennia. The material presented in the Esoteric series is absolutely essential for gaining a more expansive world view and this third installment BEYOND ESOTERIC has arrived at the very precipice of the dawning of a new age in order to usher in the world we have been waiting for. Even as i was reading BEYOND ESOTERIC for the first time, i found myself understanding many of the subjects i was already aware of on a much deeper level. I am truly grateful for this!

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Reviews of Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet

“A worldwide explorer makes a journey down the rabbit hole connecting the dots and leading us to the undeniable and inspiring conclusion, it’s all in our hands. The Future of Humanity is at stake and we hold the keys. Beyond Esoteric educates and enlightens.” –Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, author of REBEL GENE: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity

“This kind of brilliant work is what is needed more than anything in the World right now, to open up our eyes to what is really going on. Only deep research and material like this can give us greater awareness, help us to navigate these times with greater discernment and wisdom and help us to take our power back. If we don’t understand what we are up against, then we won’t be making choices based in clarity or true knowledge and this is what we as humans need in this critical time, where waking up can no longer be delayed. I highly recommend people read this. It is one of the greatest guide books out there that you will get!” –Laura Eisenhower, Author, Astrologer and International Speaker

“’Whoever controls the narrative controls the world.’ This is the powerful idea driving Brad Olsen’s masterful exposé of the deceptive narratives of Earth’s hidden controllers. He systematically lays out the complicity of the mass media in hiding the truth about ruthless population control mechanisms; the historic suppression of free energy; efforts to create an Orwellian New World Order; the existence of extraterrestrial life; and much more. In Beyond Esoteric, Brad provides wise counsel on how to navigate a path through the hidden controllers’ thicket of lies to reach a higher understanding and emancipation.” –Michael Salla, Ph.D. Author of Rise of the Red Dragon

* Brad Olsen
* 480 Pages
* print ISBN#: 978-1888729740
* Weight: 16 oz
* Dimensions: 9 in x 6 in x 1 in
Every chapter in the first two books of the “Esoteric Series” is an audiobook chapter on the CCC Publishing YouTube channel. Follow along with the first video from Modern Esoteric: